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The map below shows a cold, arctic air mass that moved southeast from Canada to cover most of the eastern half of the United States during January 2010.
Which shift caused this flow of cold air out of Canada?*
The map below shows two seasonal positions of the polar front jet stream over North America.
Which statement best explains why the position of the polar front jet stream varies with the seasons?*
The map below shows a position of the polar jet stream over North America in January.
Which map best shows the air-mass movements associated with this jet stream position?*
In which temperature zone of Earth’s atmosphere is the polar jet stream located?*
The diagram below shows the locations of the two major jet streams in Earth’s atmosphere.
Compared to the subtropical jet stream, the polar front jet stream is at a*
The map below shows a typical position and average velocity of the polar front jet stream during two different seasons.
For the eastern United States, the change of the polar front jet stream from this summer position to this winter position causes*
The map of North America below shows the position of the polar front jet stream on January 7, 2014, and the location of Atlanta, Georgia.
Which type of air mass was most likely located over Atlanta, Georgia?*
Which diagram best represents the general position and direction of flow of the polar front jet stream in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter months?*
The subtropical jet streams are fast flowing air currents located in the atmosphere about10 kilometers above the surface of Earth. In
which layer of the atmosphere are the subtropical streams located?*
Base your answers to questions 10 on the map below, which shows the position of the jet stream relative to two air masses and a low-pressure center (L) over the United States.
In which layer of the atmosphere is this jet stream located?*
Jet stream winds over the United States generally move from*
The map below shows the most likely positions and speeds of the polar front jet stream in summer and in winter.
In winter, the polar front jet stream has a more southerly path with winds traveling at speeds that are generally*
Base your answers to questions 13 on the map in image provided, which represents the center of a low-pressure system indicated by L. The 1000-millibar (mb) isobar is drawn around the center of this low-pressure system.
Identify one factor that usually causes many low-pressure centers to generally move from west to east across the United States. [1]*